The Life of a Home Mom

Walking in Town

First, last week wasn’t all that great…on Thursday the husband called me to tell me the car had broke down on the side of the highway. I swear I could write a comedy on broken down cars, I mean just look back through the archive to see how many we’ve had. Keep in mind we got this car (yes used) after our van broke down on the highway. Well on Friday he got the car towed to the house, they called us later to say “Hey the part that needs fixed will cost over $500. OUCH. Fast forward to today, Sunday.

Finally, there’s been a break with all the snow. Over the weekend we had all blue skies, yes a few clouds but who cares as long as it isn’t snowing right? Well today the kids and I grabbed our jackets, the stroller and went for a walk.

First, I had to have my Starbucks so that’s where we headed…the kids just wanted to walk. I grabbed my Carmel Frap, Sunday Paper and we were back on our walk. It was fun, while it was slightly cold (my 12 year old’s ears were red) we were having fun chatting about life but basically just enjoying the outdoors.

On our way back home we spotted a nearby creek that is normally frozen over but had running water. I just had to take a picture of it. What do you think, is it good signs of Spring coming?

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