Egermeier’s Interactive Story Bible is a Great gift idea for Kids
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Nicoli absolutely loves reading different types of Bibles, which I think is good. Sometimes he just wants to read them, while others he doesn’t want your typical text Bible and I kind of get that. Here’s a new one to our family that may just interest you, it is called Egermeier’s Interactive Story Bible!
The Egermeier’s Interactive Story Bible is for kids ages 8 and up! This is a hardcover, easy-to-read format with 660 pages and makes a wonderful gift. This is a great way to get your kids to read the bible and you can listen to it with them at the same time. I think it is important for them to read the bible and I realize that each child is different and one bible may work for one and not another. This is one that works great for Nicoli, his older brother likes the Graphic Novel style.
Use Discount code BLOG30, to receive 30 percent off the Egermeier’s Interactive Bible Story Book during December.
When Nicoli got the Interactive Story Bible he just read it to read it. He had been looking for a new Bible because many of his were picture book Bibles and he wanted the next age group. He loved that at the end of each story (there are 312 different stories from the Bible in it) there are questions to answer and less pictures. There’s something really neat about this Bible though, at least to me and Nicoli.
On some of the stories, there is a QR code (look at the picture above to see what I mean) you can scan on your phone. When you scan it and click on the link it reads that passage to you. Nicoli says this is really good because in the morning he can listen to it when his eyes don’t work right yet and he can come home later and read a different story himself. While the story is being read to you, it is also being drawn/sketched out for you on screen. This works great for a variety of learners.
Tip: If you have quick mornings (maybe because of appointments or getting ready to go to school) you may want to figure out which passages have the QR code, this is easy since the content section at the front of the Bible has * marking which ones have the code. Use these for those quick mornings and they can listen while getting ready.
Don’t forget that the back of the book has a few maps kids will enjoy, bible facts, and my favorite, Great Prayers of the Bible.
Enter to Win the Egermeier’s Interactive Story Bible!
Currently, there is a giveaway going on for this very Bible. Would you like a chance at winning it? Head on over to Blessed Freebies and enter to win the Egermeiers Interactive Story Bible here.
Use the Interactive Story Bible in Your Advent Activities
December is the perfect time to pull out the Book of Luke and do it Advent style. Each day we come back and read a little more or have it read to us. I love that they ask questions at the end because it’ll show me if he caught everything that he read before moving forward. This gives us the opportunity to discuss the chapter more. This week I think I’m going to try to think of some craft projects to go along with our advent activities. Have you?
Egermeier’s Interactive Story Bible is a great way to share the word with your kids. Listen to the stories or read them and let everyone get a turn at answering questions. #biblestorybook #biblicalliteracy #egermeiersbiblestorybook #warnerpress #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #kidmin #kidsministry #childrensministry