9 Bible verses for Preschoolers to Memorize


The following are a few easy verses that have been selected for easy memorization and great biblical messages.

A list of 9 bible verses for preschoolers should memorize and a few tips on helping them have fun memorizing verses.


We love, because He first loved us.            - 1 John 4:19  TIP 1: Make a sticker chart and as they memorize the verse reward them with a sticker.


Children, obey your parents.  -   Colossians 3:20 TIP 2:  Say the verse over and over until they can remember it.


Children, obey your parents.  -   Colossians 3:20 How do you make it fun?  Easy- Turn it into a game, like memory.


I am with you always.      - Matthew 28:20 Encourage your child by practicing bible verses together.



We've got a FREE DOWNLOAD  you can print off and checkmark as they remember the verses