The Life of a Home Mom

Once Upon a Dream…

Deva has asked those of us at “The Blog Frog” to post about our dream and if we could have all the support needed to make the dream come true, “What would we dream?” No limits.

Here’s my response that I gave NirvanaMama when she asked, “What one career would we choose if we could have it no matter what?”

This one is easy for me because it is the one reason I decided to finally go to college. I want to get into the PR field and eventually have my own business. I love helping spread the news about new products out there, especially when they are created by just your regular mom/dad not some huge toy or clothes company but someone that is really working their butt off and not getting much recognition. I dream of making the contacts, setting up conferences/interviews, etc.It probably sounds corny or small but this is my big dream.

Now the truth is I’ve actually had a very vivid dream, earlier this year and ever since I’ve wondered about it. One night I dreamed that I was standing in front of some corporate people in a big office going over some PR stuff and introducing an item. I was so passionate about it and it landed me a huge gig where I was so excited. Scenes flashed from the big meeting to a party for the launch and then back at a hotel where I was relaxing and enjoying my time with the kids. Yes, this is definitely the life I want. I want to be carefree and to be at those launch parties, introducing new items to people, etc. I’ve taken that first step by taking college classes to get my AA and my Bachelor’s. The next step will be having the courage to actually go through with it, but many times it feels like that dream is just around the corner and I’m just waiting for that client to find me. I’m  not sure if it makes much sense but to me it is just within reach if only I could stretch out to grab it.

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2 thoughts on “Once Upon a Dream…

  1. Following our dreams is a little bit like yoga; it feels hard, we’re not that flexible at first and it’s easy to give up. Like yoga, we just need to take small actions, stretch a little bit more each class, till we begin to see progress.

    What if writing this post was your first stretch towards your dream?
    What if it really could happen just the way you described?

    Thanks for stretching publicly and sharing it with all of us.

  2. Good luck, I hope you achieve your dream!

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