The Life of a Home Mom

David the Movie Fundraiser

Have you ever heard of David and Goliath? Imagine if this bible story was made into a great movie that kids would LOVE to watch. Yes, as in The David Movie, keep with me now, I know there have been cartoons and such made. Picture the animated movie Prince of Egypt by Dreamworks. Still uncertain? It’s the one that has voice actors of Val Kilmer and Sandra Bullock.

The David Movie

Well, this is definitely a possibility, but they need a little help. They have been working tirelessly on this film but simply don’t have the amount of money they need to make this film the success it can be. Want to help? Imagine being able to say you contributed to make one of the great stories from the bible come to life on the big screen. To make something wholesome that families can enjoy together and talk about the bible!

Invest in this incredible animated blockbuster here!

David is one of the most inspiring characters in human history. Who doesn’t get inspired when they think of what he went up against. I mean no one else was willing but here was the underdog and he was going to really show his true power. God was with him and whenever he is on your side you just can’t lose.

The David Movie Meme

David was a real warrior, poet, shepherd, and king, David’s life is one of incredible color and energy. It’s about much more than a shepherd boy who took on a giant. But many of us think of that story immediately. His story can inspire a generation to live more courageously and love more generously than ever before. It has the power to change us all. Could you imagine watching it in the way we watch Prince of Egypt and seeing it all come to live life that? Picture your kids as David slings that rock or as he becomes the king. Wow!

The David Story Movie Needs Your Help

I know you want your kids to see this!

I know I keep telling you it can happen. That David Story could become a movie and here is how. Sunrise Productions is raising money to fund an INCREDIBLE new animated feature film about the DAVID of the Bible! Think of how The Chosen was started – all through a crowdfunding campaign. Have you seen The Chosen? My daughter and I watched it on our phones through the whole season. We loved it! And now we get to be a part of the making of THIS movie!

Sunrise Animation Studios has embarked on the ambitious journey of making an epic animated movie about David with the humor, music, and adventure of Tangled paired with the biblical authenticity of The Passion of the Christ or The Prince of Egypt. David’s life was defined by his courage, faith and his love for God, while his fallible, relatable humanity has resonated across cultures and generations. DAVID Movie will tell a story that is authentic to scripture, and yet also a wildly adventurous and entertaining epic movie to appeal to every culture! We are creating what we believe will become the most-viewed animated film of all time, by telling the story of David as you’ve never seen it before.

Have you ever had a Goliath in your life? I think everyone, at one point or another, has seen their own Goliath. It doesn’t mean we have to cower down and do as we are told. Sometimes the giant task in front of us is nothing more than a fear.


Giveaway: 1 autographed copy of The Viiith (8th) Son by Phil Cunningham
Note: This giveaway is limited to US winners only. Ends 12/17 US only

 GIVEAWAY: a copy of The VIIIth Son by Phil Cunningham #DavidMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork 
@TheDavidMovieOfficial US only Ends 12/17

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Many thanks to Sunrise Animation Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

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