The Life of a Home Mom

10 Writing Activities To Help Children Learn To Write Down Their Prayers

The act of writing down one’s thoughts and prayers is a sacred tradition that dates back to the time of Christ. In this post, we’ll share 10 simple writing activities you can use to help your children learn how to write their prayers in words and sentences.

Writing prayers is a sacred tradition

Writing prayers is a deeply personal and sacred tradition that connects one with God. Written prayers are also beneficial because they can last through the years, providing comforting peace during trying times.

When we pray out loud our minds can get foggy with all the different things we want to say and be mindful of, but when it’s in writing our thoughts are clearer. It can be difficult to remember everything we pray for when we end a prayer or if someone else might need help in some way that you don’t know about.

Writing prayers down can also help us to be more mindful of what we’re praying for, who we are praying for, and ensure that the right person receives our prayers. The following prayer activities will help encourage children to write down their prayers.

10 simple writing activities to help your child learn how to write prayers in words and sentences

Drawing out prayers

1. Draw out your prayer: This is a great writing activity for those little ones that haven’t yet learned to write prayers. Draw a picture of what you want God to know or what you want to ask Him. You as the teacher should write down what they say.

Ex: A child may draw a picture of their mom because she is sick. The teacher should write, “Please help my mom get better.”

For older children that can’t think of what they want to pray for ask them the following questions and have them draw a prayer after they think on them.

– What do people pray for? (e.g., peace, good grades, making friends at a new school)

– Why the request is important to us?

– How would you feel if your prayer was answered?

Simple Prayers with Words and Sentences: This activity is for those that are passing the drawing stage. This helps your child to learn how to spell the words in prayers and put sentences together. Ask them what they would like to God answer or if they’d like to thank Him for something; it will also help them to think about prayers as words and sentences.

They might write prayers like “Dear God, thank you for mommy and daddy.”

2. Sticky Note Prayers or Category Prayers: Have different colored stacks of sticky notes or construction paper. Each pile is labeled: What to Pray for, Prayed for, and Answered Prayers. Have each child write down a prayer they need answered. Once all the kids have written it down allow them to grab it from the pile and pray for one that night, that week, etc. When they are back have them place the prayers they prayed for in the Prayed for pile. When a prayer is answered the original child that wrote it gets to place their prayer as answered.

3. Use a prayer journal: A prayer journal is a little booklet or prayer journal that your child will write their prayer to God every day. Younger children might need the prayers to be written out for them, or they can simply draw their prayer daily. Older kids can write prayers on their own and then add a picture or drawing of what they were thankful for that day, prayed about, etc.

4. Writing Prayers on Cards: Give them an opportunity to write prayers on cards that you can put up around the house/class as reminders of things we want God’s blessings for (i.e., “I pray for my friend who’s sick”).

5. Fill out a Prayer Worksheet: Pass out a prayer worksheet that helps them figure out what they can pray for and they fill out the blank.

Free printable prayer worksheet for kids

Here’s a simple prayer worksheet they can use.

Ex: Thank you God for _________________.

6. Copy a Prayer: You can help your young child write out their favorite prayer or a prayer they know about, such as “The Lord’s Prayer” or prayers in books like Jesus Stories for Little Hearts. This might be long or short and can help the child record it to remember it. You could also hang it up on your wall near his/her bed. (Eventually, you’ll be teaching your child how to write out scripture.)

Kids Writing Prayers out

7. Write about prayers: Ask your child to think of prayers they pray, what prayers are for, and who might be praying these prayers. This will also help you learn how you can pray for your child/student.

  • What is a prayer?
  • Why do we pray?
  • Can you pray for others?
  • What if someone else prayed the same prayers you did today?
  • Would God hear their prayers or mine too?
  • Do prayers get answered immediately?
  • Do you know someone that needs prayers?

8. Picture on a Board Prayer: This is an activity that will show everyone has a different way to pray. Not every prayer is said the same way. Have a picture of a child that is crying. Ask your children/students to write down a prayer for this child. Only tell them the child is crying and you need to pray for them. After 5 minutes ask your kids to stop writing and share their prayer with the class/family. Notice how each one has something different.

Different thoughts and Prayers:

ex: “Dear God, please help this child find her family.” They thought the child was crying because they were lost.

ex: “Dear God, please feed this child.” Maybe this child thought the child was crying because they were hungry.

ex: “Dear God, please protect this child and make them not be afraid.” May this child thought they were in the dark and scared.

8. Write prayers for other people: After you’ve read a story to your child about someone in need of prayers, have them write prayers on paper for that person. This will help show them when they write down prayers it doesn’t have to be just for themselves.

9. Write prayers on a prayer wheel: Pass out paper and crayons to each child. Have them write their prayers on the paper, fold it up, then glue or tape it onto the outside of your prayer wheel. This is also an opportunity for children to think about what they want prayed for themselves by writing prayers that are personal (i.e., prayers for your family, prayers for school).

What are some prayers you might write on a prayer wheel?

– I pray my cousin’s cancer is healed.

– Please take care of our dog while we’re gone! a) Make him feel comfortable b) Feed him every day c) Take him for walks

– I pray my dad finds a job.

10. Write prayers on a Prayer Wall: Create a prayer wall in your house or classroom. Have the children write prayers down for other people, themselves (i.e., prayers for health), and things they want to pray about that day/week (i.e., “I want prayers for my friend who’s sick”) and tape them to the wall. Or grab some bulletin board paper and have kids tack up their prayers.

Prayers are a way for children to communicate with God, and prayers written down can help them use their own words. Writing prayers also help kids see the effect of prayer on other people in need. If you would like more information about how your child can grow closer to God through prayers or writing prayers, please contact me at my I have many resources available that will be perfect for your family!

Help your child learn to write out their prayers
Writing out prayers
writing exercises to help writing prayers for your child

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