She Got her First Job and Why I’m Happy about It!
My Little Girl got her First Job and why I’m happy about it!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. They grow up in the blink of an eye, so may sure you are keeping them open with toothpicks or something. Now on a more serious note BalletGirl turned 16 this past summer and the very next day went out an applied every where we drove to and went online and applied to all the places she could think were local. After a few interviews over the phone and one in person she kept getting turned out. But it helped to teach her what she did wrong or could say better. You guys….she got the JOB! She got her first job!
My first daughter (2nd child) will actually attend her first day of work today. I still can’t believe she got her first job! Eeek! This is such an exciting time for a teen, as well as her parent. I can now see she is growing up, even if it is bittersweet. I love the fact that she is responsible and has always kept up her grades. We’ve already talked about if her grades drop so will either her hours until they get better or she’ll end up having to quit. Honestly I do not see that being a problem, but being her parents we do have to show a strong front. She would like to go to culinary school and the ones she is looking at are quite expensive and we’ve explained that she will need a scholarship for that.
Tips: Do some mock trail runs with your child over the phone and in person. In other words have her sit down in front of you and watch if she has nervous ticks that she may want to be aware of. See how she talks on the phone. Ask her/him the reason they want to work at said job. See what they say and what you could help them with their answer. These are just a few things we did. We also talked about how we messed up in interviews so she knew it was either okay or what to avoid. Do you have some tips?
I still can’t believe that she graduates next school year, it is so strange when you look back in time and remember those moments. The first steps, words, to entering kindergarten, etc. Yep, my little baby girl is now almost all grown up. To be honest I am happy for her, she’s been wanting to do more things for herself. She wants to save up money for items like make up, clothes, etc.
This is our chance to see how she is with it and to teach her what not to do. With so many of our own errors hopefully we can spin her in the right direction. For now, she is entering the working world. We’ve warned her it isn’t always as fun as it may appear to be but it’ll be fun to have her own money. Happy Working Day Katerina! Enjoy your first job, there will be many more to come. Happy Wednesday to everyone else!
That’s great she has a job! Sounds like a good learning experience and great way to learn responsibility!
Jobs are a great way to teach kids real responsibility and to give them a good work ethic.
How exciting. To get your first job as a teen is incredible. I bet she is thrilled and good luck. The first paycheck is so rewarding.
It would’ve been but she was one day before her first pay period so she got to see the small bit. haha. But she is so excited about earning her own money.
Awe…she is lucky to have you. My daughter had her first job this past summer. She is now in her first year of college and was able to get a job right on campus. I’m very proud of her. The biggest thing I wish for is that she develops a great work ethic and understanding of the importance of being committed to an employer.
That is awesome your daughter has her first job. I am sure she is excited. I know they love having their own money but it teaches them responsibility